Abstract :
This paper is vision of CMDB that is federated from multiple management data repository, and also providing the basis system of specification that will be set as standard when the federation is enabled.
Introduction :
As an emerging prominent technology for enterprise Management Software, the usefulness of the CMDB is depend on the the quality, reliability and security of the data repository. The data from multiple sources needs to be managed directly or by reference in commercial CMDBs. From this point we can defined the purpose of this paper. Actually the paper will describe about the various data from multiple sources will be federated in to CMDB.
This diagram below can describe about this kind of purposes.
the Role of CMDB
Problem Statement :
The Goal of federating data sometimes is not compete properly, because of the various data and the scattered data repository are not well integrated. The standardization of Management Data Repository in order to plug their data into federating data scheme is not well defined yet. This problem is common happened in both side, while the vendor trying to integrated multiple CMDBs, the customer also having problem to integrated data from multiple vendors MDRs.
The Purpose :
The purpose of this paper is to describe how such data from multiple sources will be federated into a CMDB. The concepts and terms set forth here will provide the basis for industry-wide specifications to be subsequently written and proposed as formal standards.
The Solution :
ITIL®-based Configuration Management Databases (CMDBs) are emerging as a prominent technology for Enterprise Management Software. The usefulness of these CMDBs is dependent on the quality, reliability and security of the data stored in them. A CMDB often contains data about managed resources like computer systems and application software, process artifacts like incident and change records, and relationships among them. The CMDB serves as a point of integration between IT management processes (as in Figure 1 below). Data from multiple sources needs to be managed directly or by reference in commercial CMDBs. This paper having approacing solution to handle the problem above that defined in steps as follow :
- Enable a variety data counsumer to access a federation of management data through a standard access interface.
- Enable a variety of data providers to participate in a federation of management data through a standard provider interface.
- Provide an approach for reconciling and combining different information about the same resources.
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